Thursday, April 16, 2009

Water: a rare commodity

While I was going back home from office yesterday by 3 30 am (yes you read correct, 3 am) I witnessed a long queue of people to collect water along the way.

There can be two reason’s for this, either the water distributions system is not good (in a way it’s not unto certain standards, but considering the mass it serves, its serving the bare minimum purpose) or there is not enough good quality water available to distribute among the citizens.
I think later is the serious and current problem. Even though India is having a vast geography available across which good amount of rain available, as a people or a system we have not explored all the various possibilities (natural and scientific) to harvest it and use it for the demanding situations.
Read somewhere sometime back that most of the future wars will be fought for water- the rare commodity. This is certainly avoidable and it’s high time to have a vision and mission towards it.
And as a responsible citizen of the Nation every one of should see to it that we are using only that much water which is required.

Friday, April 3, 2009

The importance of clarity in communication in time...

The heading look like something very trivial but it holds the key to success of any endeavor be it career, relationship anything..
During any communication we - the presenter / sender think that the listener / receiver understood completely what we said in the same context. I can tell you that in 9 out of 10 cases this may not be the situation.
Main problem is that sender and receiver are two different person /entity and completely at two different frames of mind.
Some times you may be very good at identifying the signal / clues which will make you think that the other person also will be good at it and understand what you meant.
Recently I experienced this where the receiver not understood what I meant, but I assumed the other way. And later all the hell broken and receiver consider the sender as a liar or something of less esteem.

So the bottom line, “state the bloody obvious” and ensure that it is understood by the receiver properly by asking for feedback or play it back.
Remember this should be done exactly in time. NO procrastination… that makes the combination of the 3 parameters (clarity, communication and time of communication) deadly.

This will help you to avoid unnecessary mental chaos in your life and you can spend time in something positive.